Future Generations will have to embrace the Paris Accord as the minimum we need to achieve collectively to avoid climate catastrophe. Wales now has the Future Generations act and it is very much in line with the vision of the One School One Planet schools project and reinforces the timing and objectives of the project

That is quite something. Halving emissions in decade then repeating that twice more is only the beginning of what is required of us over the coming three decades. Poverty, inequality, health, education, jobs and community all tie into this bigger pictures.

One School One Planet is working with Llanfyllin High School and with schools in Africa to create a vision for 2050 the time by when we are supposed to be entering a carbon negative economy what is that going to look and feel like and more importantly how are we gong to get there? We are leading our community to build a vision for its truly sustainable future.

We want the school and its pupils to see themselves as the leaders who will bring in the new era. We live in such dramatic times we hope to present a positive take on that. An opportunity and renewal. A transformational journey even.

Please help us publicise our work and network with those who can help us.

Steve Jones

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